
Unlockthefullpotentialofyourwebcamwiththeworld'sleadingAI-poweredeyetrackingsoftware...Makeyourmousecursorappearwhereyoulook.TRYBEAMEYE ...,GazePointerisaWebcameyetrackersoftwarethatletsyoumovemousecursorusingyoureyes.Youdon'thavetoinstallanykindofcostlyretinascanning ...,ArtaEyeisweb/mobilecameraeyetrackingtomakebeautifuldrawingandartworkbasedoneyemovements.Inthisproject.Wetargetpeoplewithdis...


Unlock the full potential of your webcam with the world's leading AI-powered eye tracking software ... Make your mouse cursor appear where you look. TRY BEAM EYE ...

GazePointer | Real-Time WebCam Eye

GazePointer is a Webcam eye tracker software that lets you move mouse cursor using your eyes. You don't have to install any kind of costly retina scanning ...


ArtaEye is web/mobile camera eye tracking to make beautiful drawing and artwork based on eye movements. In this project. We target people with disabilities ...

Building an Eye

2024年2月14日 — Tracking Eye Movement Using the detected facial landmarks, we'll track the movement of the eyes. We'll calculate the position of the eyes ...

Precision Gaze Mouse

Combines speed of eye tracking with head-tracking for single-pixel precision. Supports multiple devices. Use with Tobii Eye Tracker, webcams, and more.

Webcam mouse using face and eye tracking in various ...

由 YP Lin 著作 · 2005 · 被引用 37 次 — Eventually, based on this efficient tracking algorithm, we have developed a Webcam Mouse system to control the PC cursor using face and eye tracking.

GazePointer download

GazePointer is a Webcam eye tracker software that lets you move mouse cursor using your eyes. GazePointer is a software that uses an ordinary webcam to ...

We've built an eye

2022年10月24日 — We've built an eye-tracking app for webcam that makes the mouse jump to where you're looking, also on multiple screens.

Best eye tracker software for only mouse movement ...

2021年8月6日 — I'm having some issues with my mouse hand and was wondering what is a good eye tracker / software combo for just moving the mouse around.